California Sailing

Plume’s main sailing ground includes the San Francisco Bay and Delta, as well as the nearby Pacific ocean from Bodega Bay to Monterey. The region has breathtaking scenery, strong current, and hazardous weather. So sailing is always interesting!

Pictures of some of Plume California’s adventures can be found in the Photo Gallery / California.

Below are some highlights of Plume’s journey:


2001-2002: Plume’s Construction

Plume was built at the Nor’Sea Yachts boatshop in Ontario (CA). We bought her as a Kit boat #3, which included the hull, deck, main cabinetry, and standing rigging. Everything else was left for us to do, like painting, trimming, plumbing, electricity, or deck equipment. We spent many weekends down at the boatshop in Ontario to work on the boat while the kit was being built. That way we benefited from the boatshop’s tools and expertise. It was hard work but we learned a bunch!

Pictures of Plume’s construction can be found in the Photo Gallery / Construction.


2002: Plume’s Splash & First Sailings

Plume was splashed at Grand Marina (Alameda, CA) on April 12th 2002, six months after the beginning of her construction.

Even though we had many projects left on our to-do list, we started sailing her in the San Francisco Bay. Here is a video of Plume’s very first adventures on the water.


2003: Plume’s First Taste of the Pacific Ocean

During our honeymoon, we took Plume outside the San Francisco Bay for the first time. After crossing the Golden Gate Bridge, the journey took us north to Drakes Bay (near Point Reyes) and Bodega Bay, then south to Monterey, and finally back home via Santa Cruz and Half Moon Bay.

Pictures can be found in the Photo Gallery / Honeymoon.


2008-2010: Plume’s Voyage to Mexico

In 2008, we decided to quit our jobs and go cruising. Before the trip, we both spent three months working full time on the boat to complete most projects left on our to-do-list. Once about ready, and with our four-year old son, we left San Francisco and started a two-year and 3360 nautical miles journey, including 65 days and 30 nights on the water as well as 46 stops. The journey took us along the busy and cold coast of California, the wild coast of Baja California in Mexico, the beautiful Sea of Cortez, and finally the lively west coast of mainland Mexico between San Carlos and La Cruz. At the end of the journey, we trailed Plume back to San Francisco via road on a brand new trailer. Preparing for such a journey is a lot of work, and being three people on 27 feet can be a challenge at times. But the experience is worth all the effort. It was a wonderful family adventure!

Pictures of Plume’s voyage to Mexico can be found in the Photo Gallery / Sabbatical. There is also a video and a slide deck that were presented at the So-Cal Nor’Sea 27 Get-Together in May 2011.


2020: Plume’s Refresh

In 2020 Plume turned 18 year old, so we decided to give her a little refresh! We looked at every element and system from bow to stern in order to identify needs for repair or replacement.

As a result, Plume has a new mainsail, standing and running rigging, main and storm anchors, chain, VHF, GPS, AIS transponder, computer and navigation station, depth sounder, propeller, main cabin cushions (super comfortable for both sitting and sleeping), canvas for hatch and companionways, galley sole, and more. The engine and stove were thoroughly serviced. For our stove however, the service morphed into a replacement after it was badly damaged during shipping. Since the responsibility of the accident was shared between Scan Marine and ourself, they agreed to send us another used replacement stove. So basically, we have a new old stove! Those are just examples. More information can be found under Projects (coming soon).

Our plan was to trail Plume to Canada and sail in British Columbia during the summer of 2020. The project was canceled because of Covid-19. We downgraded our dreams and continued sailing in California instead.